
Fecobionics study in fecal incontinence (FI) human subjects

Yanmin Wang
Bhavesh Patel
Ghassan Kassab, Ph.D.
Hans Gregersen

We are developing a novel wireless device named Fecobionics for mapping colonic and anorectal neuromuscular function. The current dataset contains results from the Fecobionics test in the anorectal of human subjects with fecal incontinence.

Updated on October 25, 2023 (Version 2)

Corresponding Contributor:

Bhavesh Patel
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49 Files
838 MB
17 Records

Dataset Overview

Study Purpose: We are developing a novel wireless device named Fecobionics for mapping colonic and anorectal neuromuscular function. The purpose of this study is to test the device in normal subjects and subjects with fecal incontinence to compare anorectal functions in health and disease.

Data Collection: This dataset contains transmitted Fecobionics data from the study in subjects with fecal incontinence.

Primary Conclusion: Fecobionics successfully measures parameters (pressure, orientation, bending angle, cross-sectional area, etc.) during defecation.

Curator's Notes

Experimental Design: Briefly, the device was inserted into the participants' rectum, and several motions (cough, squeeze, straining) were made. If the device fell out before the completion of the test, it was re-inserted gently. Data was recorded in real-time.

Completeness: This dataset is part of a larger study: "Fecobionics studies in human participants."

Subjects & Samples: Data from female (n=10) and male (n=3) human participants diagnosed with fecal incontinence were used in this study.

Primary vs derivative data: Primary data is organized in folders named by subject ID. Each file in the primary folder (CSV format) contains the Fecobionics data (orientations, pressures, diameters, bending angle, etc.) measured in participants.


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About this dataset

Publishing history

May 25, 2023
Originally Published
October 25, 2023 (Version 2)
Last Updated

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