
Excitation properties of computational models of unmyelinated peripheral axons

Nicole A Pelot, Ph.D.
David C Catherall
Brandon J Thio
Warren M Grill, Ph.D.

Data and plotting code for excitation responses of multiple single compartment and multi-compartment models of peripheral unmyelinated axons

Updated on June 12, 2024 (Version 6)

Corresponding Contributor:

Nicole Pelot
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Dataset Overview

Study Purpose: To implement and compare computational models of unmyelinated peripheral axons

Data Collection: We implemented the single compartment models of vagal afferents from Schild et al. 1994 and Schild and Kunze 1997, and extended them into multi-compartment unmyelinated axons, presenting the first cable models of unmyelinated vagal afferents. We also implemented and simulated three published models of peripheral unmyelinated axons and compared their conduction responses (conduction speed, action potential shape, threshold recovery cycle, strength-duration). All models are available on ModelDB; the single-compartment Schild 1994 and 1997 models were implemented in NEURON and Brian 2, with voltage clamp equations also implemented analytically and numerically in MATLAB, and all multi-compartment models were implemented in NEURON. This dataset contains all of the supplements referenced in the paper, as well as all of the data and analysis/plotting code to generate the figures (see Pelot et al., Journal of Neurophysiology, 2020, "Excitation Properties of Computational Models of Unmyelinated Peripheral Axons").

Primary Conclusion: None drawn

Curator's Notes

Experimental Design: This study implements and compares several computational models of unmyelinated peripheral axons. We implemented the single compartment models of vagal afferents from Schild et al. 1994 and Schild and Kunze 1997, and extended them into multi-compartment unmyelinated axons. We also implemented and simulated three published models of peripheral unmyelinated axons (Rattay and Aberham 1993, Sundt et al. 2015, Tigerholm et al. 2014). We compared conduction speed, action potential shape, threshold recovery cycle, strength-duration responses across the five models.

Completeness: This dataset is complete.

Subjects & Samples: N/A (computational modeling dataset)

Primary vs derivative data: The primary folder is organized by figure number and contains all of the data and analysis/plotting code to generate the figures in the associated publication: Pelot et al., Journal of Neurophysiology, 2020, "Excitation Properties of Computational Models of Unmyelinated Peripheral Axons." The primary folder also contains a PDF with all of the supplements referenced in the paper. The derivative folder contains copies of the figures from the publication and the supplement, as generated by the code in the primary folder.

Important Notes: The single-compartment Schild 1994 and 1997 models were implemented in NEURON and Brian 2, with voltage clamp equations also implemented analytically and numerically in MATLAB, and all multi-compartment models were implemented in NEURON.

Code Availability: All of the model code is available on ModelDB ( A static copy of the model code is also archived in the "code" folder.

Important Notes: See Pelot et al., Journal of Neurophysiology, 2020, "Excitation Properties of Computational Models of Unmyelinated Peripheral Axons", doi: 10.1152/jn.00315.2020

In the dataset available for download by clicking "Get Dataset"...

  • Supplements 1 to 9 referenced in the publication are in files/primary/PelotEtAl_2020_JNeurophys_Supplements.pdf
  • Source data and plotting code for all figures are in files/primary/Fig<#>
  • Copies of all figures from the publication and supplements are in files/derivative/
  • A copy of the model code from ModelDB is in files/code/


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About this dataset

Publishing history

September 22, 2020
Originally Published
June 12, 2024 (Version 6)
Last Updated

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