This study aims to evaluate the effects of GES settings on neural activity in rats NTS. Briefly, multi-unit activity is recorded in the nucleus of the solitary tract in rats.
Study Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the effects of gastric electrical stimulation (GES) settings on neural activity in the nucleus of solitary tract (NTS) in rats.
Data Collection: Briefly, multi-unit activity is recorded in the nucleus of the solitary tract in rats. The configuration of GES was varied in terms of pulse parameters (amplitude, width) and polarity (proximal or distal coil of a bipolar electrode connected as the cathode, which could be biased for afferent or efferent GES). Five rats were included in this dataset, and data was collected and stored in mat files. The size of the raw data is ~81GB.
Primary Conclusion: None stated.
Curator's Notes
Experimental Design: After the electrode implantation, the animal was secured in the stereotaxic frame (Stoelting Co, Wood Dale, IL, USA). A midline incision was made through the scalp. The nucleus of solitary tract (NTS) was localized at the connection between the occipital bone and spinal cord. A 3 × 3mm window was open at the end of the occipital bone, and the tissue above the spinal cord was dissected to expose the dorsal surface of the brainstem. The obex was identified, and the recording electrode was placed on the left side of the obex at area postrema (AP) from 50 um to -10 um. Micro-screws were secured above the olfactory bulb and were used as reference and ground. The recording electrode was connected to a broadband recording system (Tucker Davis Technologies, Alachua, FL, USA) that amplified and digitized (at 25 kHz) the voltage between the recording site and the reference site (i.e. a micro-screw secured over the olfactory bulb). The electrode localization was initially guided by the stereotaxic frame and was then finalized on the basis of observable responses to electric stimuli applied to the stomach wall.
Completeness: This is complete.
Subjects & Samples: This study used adult Sprague-Dawley (RRID:RGD_70508) male rats (n=5) between 6-11 weeks old.
Primary vs derivative data: Primary data is organized per subject name and contains electrophysiological data with stimulation markers. The derivative folder is also organized per subject name and contains MatLab files with broadband data (LFP) with stimulation markers, high-frequency data with stimulation markers, and multiple-unit activity, MUA, data for each experimental animal.
Important Notes: The stimulation parameters are being alternated through the experiments. A mat data file is recorded to specify the details of the stimulation parameters and is included in each subject data folder.
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The Acute Effects of Gastric Electrical Stimulation on Nucleus of the Solitary Tract Neural Activity Assessed with Electrophysiological Recording v1. (2022).