
Scaffold map - Integrated mapping of rat stomach data

Mabelle Lin
Richard Christie, Ph.D.
Peter Hunter

Axon innervation, vasculature and cell density data from different experiments are mapped onto a common coordinate framework provided by the generic rat stomach scaffold.

Updated on July 21, 2024 (Version 2)

Corresponding Contributor:

Mabelle Lin
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Dataset Overview

Study Purpose: The goal of this work is to map axon innervation, vasculature and gastrin distribution data to an annotated generic rat stomach scaffold.

Data Collection: The generic rat stomach scaffold(DOI: 10.26275/iefx-c2qi) is created based on the general description and average dimensions of rat stomachs as measured by Powley et al. The data integrated in this dataset were previously mapped to a generic rat stomach scaffold individually (DOI: 10.26275/3e5x-5lp9, 10.26275/uxns-qhbq and 10.26275/litx-swak).

Primary Conclusion: None stated

Curator's Notes

Experimental Design: Not applicable.

Completeness: Complete.

Subjects & Samples: Axon innervation data derived from the segmentation of flat-mount imaging of 1 male Sprague Dawley rat stomach (DOI: 10.26275/rmcz-jfoq) is used for this mapping. The mapped vasculature data is derived from microCT imaging of 1 male Sprague Dawley rat stomachs (DOI: 10.26275/zxe9-o3ss). The mapped gastrin distribution data is derived from the antrum and corpus regions of stomachs from juvenile male Sprague-Dawley rats (n=14) (DOI: 10.26275/o9qr-l4x9).

Primary vs derivative data: The primary folder contains the mapping tool provenance data file needed to produce the scaffold map. The mapping tool will be accessible from the release download page on the SPARC Portal. The primary folder also contains the MAP-Client workflow and settings files to reproduce the files. The derivative folder contains JSON files that are used to generate a visualization of the scaffold map on the web portal.

Code Availability: Scaffold Mapping Tools


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About this dataset

Publishing history

July 18, 2024
Originally Published
July 21, 2024 (Version 2)
Last Updated

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