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Generic human colon scaffold

Annotated human colon scaffold available for registration of segmented neural anatomical-functional mapping of enteric neural circuits.
52 Files
691.23 MB
13 Records

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Mabelle Lin updated on September 5, 2024
tenia coli, descending colon, ascending colon + More
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Generic human brainstem scaffold

Annotated human brainstem scaffold available for registration of segmented neural anatomical-functional mapping of neural circuits.
40 Files
18.31 MB
14 Records

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Valerie Chopovda updated on September 5, 2024
human, brainstem
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Generic human bladder scaffold

Annotated bladder scaffold for human available for registration of segmented neural anatomical-functional mapping of LUT neural circuits.
41 Files
7.8 MB
11 Records

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Valerie Chopovda updated on September 4, 2024
neck of the bladder, urethra, human + More
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Generic cat bladder scaffold

Annotated bladder scaffold for cat available for registration of segmented neural anatomical-functional mapping of LUT neural circuits.
41 Files
9.64 MB
12 Records

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Valerie Chopovda updated on September 4, 2024
neck of the bladder, urethra, cat + More
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3D segmentation of myelinated afferents of the rat bladder in the pelvic nerve

Using a combination of retrograde tracing from the bladder, an adeno-associated virus that preferentially labels myelinated afferents in rats, and a robust immunolabel for paranodes, myelinated bladder afferents were traced in the pelvic nerve of rats.
96 Files
877.2 GB
No Records
Janet Keast updated on September 3, 2024
sensory, myelination, nodes of ranvier + More
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COVID-19 CyTOF MaxPar Direct Immune Profiling Assay

Supporting the CyMAE manuscript
267 Files
16.24 GB
No Records
Matei Ionita updated on August 9, 2024
covid-19, cytof, cymae + More
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Neural recordings of spontaneously metastasizing melanomas and melanomas with low metastatic potential

Neural recordings of spontaneously metastasizing melanomas
752 Files
67.8 GB
No Records
Grant McCallum updated on August 5, 2024
melanoma, tumors, sympathetic nervous system + More
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Cyto- and chemoarchitecture of the rat spinal cord

A collection of transverse sections from male and female rat spinal cord, immunolabelled with a range of key cyto- and chemoarchitectural markers, with emphasis on the lumbosacral spinal cord, and more rostral segments for comparison.
285 Files
59.42 GB
No Records
Janet Keast updated on July 31, 2024
spinal cord, chemoarchitecture, neuroanatomy + More
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Scaffold map - MicroCT imaging of rat stomach vasculature with Microfil MV-122

Stomach vasculature derived from microCT imaging of Microfil MV-122 perfusion is mapped to the rat stomach scaffold.
303 Files
241.84 MB
No Records
Mabelle Lin updated on July 21, 2024
rat, vasculature, microfil mv-122 + More
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Scaffold map - Anterograde tracing of spinal afferent innervation in flat-mounts of the rat stomach

Segmentation of axon innervation and its density field are mapped to a generic rat stomach scaffold for qualitative and quantitative visualisation and analysis.
272 Files
1.35 GB
No Records
Mabelle Lin updated on July 21, 2024
rat, stomach, innervation + More
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Scaffold map - Integrated mapping of rat stomach data

Axon innervation, vasculature and cell density data from different experiments are mapped onto a common coordinate framework provided by the generic rat stomach scaffold.
50 Files
286.73 MB
No Records
Mabelle Lin updated on July 21, 2024
rat, stomach, innervation + More
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Innervation of human heart

Evaluation of innervation of the normal human heart.
448 Files
8.6 TB
41 Records
Amiksha Gandhi updated on July 18, 2024
human heart, immunohistochemistry, innervation + More
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Characterization of projections of longitudinal muscle motor neurons in human colon

DiI-retrograde tracing ex vivo plus immunohistochemistry to characterize longitudinal muscle motor neurons.
1,779 Files
3.1 GB
97 Records

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Simon Brookes updated on July 18, 2024
smooth muscle, motor neuron, human + More
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Evaluation of bilateral gastric electrical stimulation to improve energy balance regulation in female Sprague-Dawley rats consuming a 45% high-fat diet

Microstructural analysis of food intake as a behavioral endpoint to determine the effect of bilateral electrical stimulation of the forestomach on the consumption of a 45% high fat diet by female Sprague-Dawley rats.
48 Files
3.52 MB
No Records
Robert Phillips updated on July 12, 2024
rat, stomach, vagus nerve + More
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Neurochemical anatomy of porcine right atrial ganglionated plexus and sinoatrial node

This dataset contains results from IHC analyses of RAGP and nerves in the SAN and right atrium of pig hearts. Neurochemical phenotypes of neurons and nerves were evaluated, and RAGP neurons that innervate the SAN were identified by retrograde labeling.
4,892 Files
9.73 GB
103 Records
Donald Hoover updated on July 9, 2024
neurophil, nitrergic, porcine + More
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A novel compartmental modeling approach to simulate stomach motility and gastric emptying

A model to simulate gastric emptying and stomach motility for a healthy human stomach
16 Files
398.8 KB
No Records
Shannon Fernandes updated on July 9, 2024
g, gastric emptying, stomach motility + More
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Generic human stomach scaffold

Annotated human stomach scaffold available for registration of segmented neural anatomical-functional mapping of enteric neural circuits.
54 Files
215.5 MB
13 Records

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Mabelle Lin updated on July 9, 2024
stomach, myenteric plexus, human
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Computational analysis of the human sinus node action potential - Model development and effects of mutations

CellML version of the Fabbri et al. 2017 mathematical model of the spontaneous electrical activity of a human sinoatrial node (SAN) pacemaker cell
19 Files
167.28 KB
13 Records

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Alan Garny updated on July 9, 2024
ion channels, cardiovascular models, sinoatrial node + More
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Fabbri-based composite SAN model

CellML version of the Fabbri et al. 2017 human sinoatrial node (SAN) cell model and an ODE-based version of the Gerstner & Kistler 2002 brain stem model combined to demonstrate the effect of brain stem activity on heart rate
19 Files
174.48 KB
14 Records

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Alan Garny updated on July 3, 2024
ion channels, cardiovascular models, sinoatrial node + More
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Simulation of the short term impact of atrial fibrillation on hemodynamic variables

The computational model of the human cardio-baroreflex provides a simulation of four variables (heart rate, mean arterial pressure, stroke volume and left atrial end systolic volume) following an onset of atrial fibrillation.
15 Files
528.85 KB
No Records
Oluwasanmi Adeodu updated on July 1, 2024
atrial fibrillation, cardiac system, baroreflex + More
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Selective recording of physiologically evoked neural activity in a mixed autonomic nerve using a minimally invasive array

This data set includes recording and analysis of extracted signals form the pelvic nerve during cystometry testing in anesthetized rats.
867 Files
20.38 GB
No Records
Janet Keast updated on June 28, 2024
peripheral nerve recording, electrophysiology, pelvic nerve + More
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Excitation properties of computational models of unmyelinated peripheral axons

Data and plotting code for excitation responses of multiple single compartment and multi-compartment models of peripheral unmyelinated axons
1,974 Files
960.73 MB
15 Records

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Nicole Pelot updated on June 12, 2024
autonomic nervous system, voltage-gated ion channels, vagus nerve + More
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A 3D human whole-body model with integrated organs vasculature musculoskeletal and nervous systems for mapping nerves

The generated body scaffold was fitted to data, and the organ fiducial markers were embedded in the human whole-body. The landmarks were obtained from image data and also were defined in the body scaffold. Furthermore, nerve centrelines are added.
5,575 Files
220.38 MB
3 Records
Mabelle Lin updated on June 1, 2024
musculoskeletal system, vasculature system, nervous system + More
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Targeting bladder function with network-specific epidural stimulation after chronic spinal cord injury

This dataset contains measurements of the motor outcomes of the lower urinary tract in response to spinal cord epidural stimulation, utilizing electromyography of the external urinary sphincter and urodynamics.
48 Files
341.26 MB
No Records
Daniel Medina Aguinaga updated on April 19, 2024
bladder, spinal cord
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Long read sequencing of human dorsal root ganglia

Long read sequencing was used to identify and characterize the isoforms expressed in the human dorsal root ganglion (hDRG). PacBio IsoSeq circular consensus sequencing was used on 3 hDRGs from 3 human organ donors.
22 Files
159.27 MB
No Records
Asta Arendt-Tranholm updated on April 6, 2024
long read sequencing, human, drg
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