Targeting bladder function with network-specific epidural stimulation after chronic spinal cord injury

Daniel Medina Aguinaga, Ph.D.
April Herrity
Sevda C Aslan
Samineh Mesbah
Ricardo Siu
Karthik Kalvakuri
Beatrice Ugiliweneza
Ahmad Mohamed
Charles Hubscher, Ph.D.
Susan Harkema

This dataset contains measurements of the motor outcomes of the lower urinary tract in response to spinal cord epidural stimulation, utilizing electromyography of the external urinary sphincter and urodynamics.

Updated on April 19, 2024 (Version 2)

Corresponding Contributor:

Daniel Medina Aguinaga
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Dataset Overview

Study Purpose: This study was conducted to target neural structures scES personalizing neuromodulatory strategies to modulate the urinary bladder in SCI patients.

Data Collection: Using electromyography of the external urinary sphincter and urodynamics, we measured the motor outcomes of the lower urinary tract in response to spinal cord epidural stimulation.

Primary Conclusion: The current study demonstrates that scES can be used to simultaneously and safely modulate urinary continence and the initiation of voiding while managing distention-associated dysregulation of blood pressure.

Curator's Notes

Experimental Design: The aim of this study was to explore the impact of spinal cord epidural stimulation (scES) on enhancing bladder storage and emptying in individuals with motor complete spinal cord injury (SCI). Patients with SCI (average time since injury 9.1 ± 2.5 years at C3-T2 spinal cord level) previously implanted with a 16-electrode array (5–6–5 Specify, Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA) at the T11–L1 vertebral levels over spinal cord segments L1–S1 (initial time frame of enrollment in this study following implant surgery 3.3 ± 2.8 years) participated in the research conducted at the University of Louisville. After enrollment, participants underwent a baseline Urodynamics session without stimulation, followed by approximately eight weeks of bladder mapping. Each participant completed a minimum of 20 urodynamic sessions (10 for storage, 10 for void initiation), mapping detrusor and urethral pressure responses and sphincter EMG responses during the filling and emptying cystometry phases. During these sessions, scES parameters (anode, cathode selection, frequency and amplitude, and the number of cohorts) were systematically varied to identify successful configurations.

Completeness: This dataset is part of a larger study: Targeting bladder function with network‑specific epidural stimulation after chronic spinal cord injury."

Subjects & Samples: Eight patients (7 males, 1 female; mean age 32.1 ± 4.6 years) participated in this study.

Primary vs derivative data: The primary data is structured by subject ID and performance type, categorized as either initial bladder mapping or optimized protocol. Each perf- subfolder comprises urodynamics data saved as .adicht files. Each recording file is paired with a corresponding urodynamic report saved as a PDF file. There is no derivative data folder.


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About this dataset

Publishing history

February 13, 2024
Originally Published
April 19, 2024 (Version 2)
Last Updated

Cite this dataset

Medina Aguinaga, D., Herrity, A., Aslan, S. C., Mesbah, S., Siu, R., Kalvakuri, K., Ugiliweneza, B., Mohamed, A., Hubscher, C., & Harkema, S. (2024). Targeting bladder function with network-specific epidural stimulation after chronic spinal cord injury (Version 2) [Dataset]. SPARC Portal.


Is Supplemented by

Roberts, T. T., Leonard, G. R., & Cepela, D. J. (2017). Classifications In Brief: American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Impairment Scale. Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research, 475(5), 1499–1504.

Medina Aguinaga, D., & N. Herrity, A. (2023). Spinal cord epidural stimulation to control bladderin spinal cord injury patients v1.

Described by

Herrity, A. N., Aslan, S. C., Mesbah, S., Siu, R., Kalvakuri, K., Ugiliweneza, B., Mohamed, A., Hubscher, C. H., & Harkema, S. J. (2022). Targeting bladder function with network-specific epidural stimulation after chronic spinal cord injury. Scientific Reports, 12(1).