This tutorial is designed to guide the users on how to modify data points for other applications, such as simulations
Study Purpose: The goal of this tutorial is to download some SPARC datasets and resample them so that they can be used for simulations.
Data Collection: 2D anatomical data of the rat stomach are downloaded from the SPARC Portal.
Primary Conclusion: The material in this tutorial can be used to generate a stochastic, data-driven neuronal network for simulation. Such simulations can be run and distributed in other sparc tools such as oSPARC.
Curator's Notes
Experimental Design: This project was developed during the 2022 SPARC FAIR Codeathon. More detailed information about the project is available here. In this project, we have created an online tutorial hub to guide users within and outside the SPARC community on how to combine tools within the SPARC ecosystem to create unified workflows. In this tutorial, the user will learn to use 2D spatial data and re-sampling it for computational simulations.
Completeness: This dataset is complete.
Subjects & Samples: This is a computational dataset; thus no subjects are described.
Primary vs derivative data: Not applicable. This is a computational study. Only a configuration file to view and run the simulation on the oSPARC platform is provided.
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Powley, T. L., Phillips, R., Jaffey, D., Rajwa, B., McAdams, J., Baronowsky, E., Chesney, L., Black, D., & Evans, C. (2019). Spatial distribution and morphometric characterization of vagal afferents associated with the myenteric plexus of the rat stomach (Version 3) [Data set]. SPARC Portal.
Powley, T., Phillips, R. J., Jaffey, D., Rajwa, B., McAdams, J., Baronowsky, E., Chesney, L., Black, D., Martin, F. N., & Hudson, C. N. (2019). Spatial distribution and morphometric characterization of vagal afferents (intramuscular arrays (IMAs)) within the longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the rat stomach (Version 3) [Data set]. SPARC Portal.
Powley, T., Phillips, R., Jaffey, D., Rajwa, B., McAdams, J., Baronowsky, E., Chesney, L., Black, D., & Evans, C. (2019). Spatial distribution and morphometric characterization of vagal efferents associated with the myenteric plexus of the rat stomach (Version 3) [Data set]. SPARC Portal.