
Increased arrhythmia susceptibility in type 2 diabetic mice related to dysregulation of ventricular sympathetic innervation

John D Tompkins, Ph.D.

Partial dataset from published manuscript of same title. Dataset includes intracellular recordings from control and diabetic mouse intrinsic cardiac neurons and stellate ganglion neurons.

Updated on July 12, 2022 (Version 1)

Corresponding Contributor:

John Tompkins
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422 Files
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Dataset Overview

Study Purpose: Investigates neural control of heart in control and type 2 diabetic mice.

Data Collection: Dataset includes intracellular microelectrode recordings from control and diabetic mouse intrinsic cardiac neurons and stellate ganglion neurons.

Primary Conclusion: Increased arrhythmia susceptibility in type 2 diabetic mice related to dysregulation of ventricular sympathetic innervation

Curator's Notes

Experimental Design: Intrinsic cardiac or stellate ganglia were isolated from adult male mice under deep isoflurane (5%) anesthesia. Ganglion preparations were superfused continuously (6–7 mL/min) with physiological salt solution (32–35°C). Individual neurons were impaled using microelectrodes filled with either 2M KCl (60–120 MΩ) or 2M KCl + 2% neurobiotin (80–160 MΩ; Vector Laboratories). Membrane voltage was recorded using a Multiclamp 700B amplifier coupled with a Digidata 1550B data acquisition system and pCLAMP 10 software (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA).

Completeness: This dataset is a part of a larger study: "IC neurons: passive, active and synaptic evoked membrane properties"

Subjects & Samples: Male (n=16) mice (RRID:IMSR_JAX:000642) were used in this study.

Primary vs derivative data: Primary data is organized in folders by subject ID. Each subject folder contains intracellular microelectrode recording in axon binary files .abf


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Publishing history

July 12, 2022
Originally Published
July 12, 2022 (Version 1)
Last Updated

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